Chinese Dragon Kempo is a three-volume system of self-defense designed to give students hard-hitting and effective self-defense skills quickly and efficiently. The system is designed for those students without training partners. Students train and test with a target dummy so they can practice at full speed and full strength. The series teaches 60 techniques, worked against both left and right side attacks, against punches, grabs and mulitple attackers. Each volume also teaches a form.
Instructed by Robert Shook, the Chinese Dragon Kempo Black Belt series consists of three ranks - Green, Brown and 1st Black and costs only $39.95 USD and includes a FREE membership. We also offer an Advanced Series for 2nd, 3rd and 4th Black Belt training for $39.95 and a Master Series for 5th and 6th Black Belts for $39.95.
Testing is accomplished with YouTube (or similar) videos or DVD's in which the student performs the requirements for each rank. The testing fee is regularly $20.00, only $15.00 per test/rank for IMAF members.
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Mr. Shook holds Dan rankings in Sin Moo Hapkido, Goshin Jujitsu, Renzoku Jujitsu, White Dragon Kempo, Chinese Kenpo (Chuan Fa), American Kenpo and Kanshu Kenpo. His efforts have been recognized by several organizations: World Martial Arts Masters Society, Budokaikan International, International Assembly of Sokeship, World Nibuikai Budo Federation, International Alliance of Martial Arts Masters, the World Karate Union Hall of Fame and the Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame.

Green Belt
1) Targets of the Upper, Middle and Lower Regions
2) Fundamental Strikes and Blocks
3) Shaolin Fist Form
Tiger Fist Self-Defense Techniques
Outside Tiger - outside straight punches, right and left
Tiger Stretches its Back Leg - rear bear hug, pinned
Tiger Trips its Prey - front bear hug, pinned
Inside Tiger - inside roundhouse punch, right and left
Tiger Strikes Crane - inside a front kick, right and left
Seizing Tiger - inside straight punch, right and left
Leopard Fist Self-Defense Techniques
Leopard Stops the Dragon - inside an overhead punch, right and left
Circling Leopard - side shoulder grab, right and left
Devastating Leopard - outside a straight punch, right and left
Leopard Fights Crane - outside a front kick, right and left
Panther Turns and Strikes - hammerlock, right and left
Leopard Plays with the Ball - front bear arms free
Flashing Leopard - inside a roundhouse punch, right and left
Snake Fist Self-Defense Techniques
Snake and Tiger - inside a roundhouse punch, right and left
Vipers Rise from Their Cave - side headlock, right and left
Snake Wraps the Dragon's Neck - outside a straight punch, right and left
The Heavens Turn and the Earth Circles - spin around, right and left
Snake Strikes over Branch - cross wrist grab, right and left
Serpent's Tongue - straight wrist grab, right and left
Striking Serpent - inside a roundhouse punch, right and left
Twisting Snake - inside a roundhouse punch, right and left
Brown Belt
Crane Fist Self-Defense Techniques
Flashing Wings - pre-emptive counter, right and left
Crane Stretches its Leg to the Rear - rush from the rear, right and left
Crane and Tiger - inside straight/round punch, right and left
Leaning Crane - side wrist grab, right and left
Crane Strikes Over Log - pre-emptive counter, right and left
Crane Strikes with Wing - two-on-one wrist grab, right and left
Crane Stretches it Wings - Two-man frontal attack
Crane Stretches its Leg - high front rush, right and left
Escaping Wings - two-on-two wrist grab from rear, right and left
Folding Wing - lapel grab, right and left
Dragon Fist Self-Defense Techniques
Blinding Dragon - inside a roundhouse punch, right and left
Dragon Defends its Lair - against a low tackle, right and left
Dragon and Crane - two-hand front choke, right and left
Dragon Rises from the Sea - against front head lock, right and left
Sitting Dragon - against a full nelson lock
Eye of the Dragon - inside a punch, right and left
Dragon Stretches Its Claws and Leg - against two-man attack front and rear, right and left
Dragon Strikes Three - against three-man attack front and sides
Dragon Escapes Bears - against two-man attack rear bear hug pin
Dragon Turns to Seize the Ape - above elbow grab, right and left
Flashing Dragon - inside a roundhouse punch, right and left
Black Belt
Enlightened Fist Self-Defense Techniques
Leopard Breaks the Branch -hair grab counter, right and left
Dragon's Fan - two-hand rear choke, right and left
Dragon Greets the Dawn - low two-hand reach, right and left
Evading Crane - outside right punch, right and left
Snake and Crane - against pullback choke, right and left
Charging Tiger - offensive counter
Leopard and Crane - two-man flank attack, facing defender
Reaping Dragon - against a roundhouse kick , right and left
Striking Crane - against a side kick , right and left
Slashing Tiger - inside a lapel grab, right and left
Snake's Fangs - two-on-two wrist grab from the front
Leopard Smashes Dragons - Two-man shoulder grab
Chinese 1 - against a front kick, right and left
Chinese 2 - offensive long fist technique, right and left
Chinese 3 - middle section punch, right and left
Spinning Dragon - against a two-man flank attack, facing same direction
Tiger Stops the Dragon - inside a roundhouse punch, right and left
Dragon Circles its Prey - outside a straight punch, right and left